Sunday 14 August 2016

Fiverr Clone Script


A full list of all the main functions in FiverrScript.

- Multilingual - Multi-language support
- Preloaded with seven languages ​​(English, Spanish, French, Portuguese, German, Arabic and Hebrew)

- Fully Responsive design - beautiful displays on various devices
- WYSIWYG editor is added to describe the gig to gig format description
- Currency Accommodation - choose whether to show the currency before or after the price
- Profile of slogan - a newly developed custom profile pages, users can install the slogan
- A new global project has been added, which includes a global header, footer, global home, kind of concert, concert, create my shopping, manage the sale, creating a concert of my works, how to login, forgotten password, join, confirm by e-mail , category, suggestions, notifications feature concert, search and tags.
- ReCaptcha v2 allows "one-click" check in some cases,
- Solve Media captcha integrated that helps fight spam and let you earn money from your CAPTCHA
- Forbidden words - Administrators can disable keywords in the admin panel, which users can not use any of the concert title, description, concert, gig guide and gig tags.
- Notification System
- Gig Popular Categories
- View list and grid View on the main page.
- Category Sections also have a new design
- Captcha
- Pay through the available funds (money earned)
- Set specific meta-data Category
- Proxy Blocking (BETA)
- Referrals System
- Referral system approval
- Facebook Connect Profile Pictures
- Sub-system
- Levels of System Operation
- Pinterest Pin It button.
- Filter by price Poster
- Private Concerts Offer Page
- Express Concerts
- Gig Statistics bar
- Rankings Bar
- Order multiple items
- Best sellers
- Multi-Byte Character Support
- User Country Flags displayed next to their name in the Gig Listings
- People blocked E-mail address and the URL in a conversation
- Google PlusOne (+1) Integration
- URL Shortener Integration
- File system Attachment
- Share Jobs on Twitter and Facebook
- Facebook Connect Login
- Popular Concerts
- MD5 encrypted passwords
- SEO optimization
- Sort by Date Concerts, popularity, rating or price
- Unlimited jobs
- Product page with a list of all the categories and subcategories

- Administrators can charge merchants concerts feature
- Work function using the account balance
- Paypal payment gateway integration
- Pay through Paypal
- Alertpay / Payza Payment Gateway Integration
- Pay by Alertpay / Payza
- Pay through invoice balance

Offers / Wants
- Users can invite Work / convertibles
- Wants listed for sellers to look at and get ideas

Work / Gig ad page
- As Jobs / Gigs
- Related Work / Concerts
- Other Work / Concerts User
- YouTube Video Work / Gig
- Share Jobs / Poster
- Work Order / Gig
- Work / Gig Feedback
- Work / Gig Rating

Category page
- See concerts in specific categories
- Administrators can upload a large image for each category, which are shown on the page, category page and search tags.
- Filter-time delivery
- Top rated seller filter

- User Work / Concerts
- User rating
- Contact user
- User Details
- User Avatar

Writing a work / Gig
- Gig name
- Gig Category
- Gig Description
- Gig Guide Buyer
- Gig Tags
- Gig days to complete
- Gig image (Add up to 2 photos)
- Gig YouTube video
- Upload progress bar

Search system
- Advanced search engine
- Filter by date
- Filter by popularity
- Filter Rating

user accounts
- Edit and delete jobs
- Incoming dialogue system
- Favorite Job
- Edit profile
- Upload a photo
- Change password

- Gigs Management (Edit, Delete, Pause, Insert, Add)
- Sales Management (active, supplier, completed, Canceled)
- Track Income (Available awaiting clearance pending approval, coming soon)
- Conclusion earnings
- Communication with customers

- Purchase Management (Active, Pending review was completed, canceled)
- Track payments
- Order Tracking Progress
- Contact sellers
- Dispute Comes Jobs

- Dialogue system to send messages to other users.
- E-mail notification of new messages

- Pre-Placed Ads
- Unlimited Advertising

- Category RSS Feed
- Latest Jobs RSS Feed

- Enable / Disable Captcha
- Show / Hide the Category drop-down
- Add Fake Feedback
- Management Feedback
- Managing Conversations
- Prevent system IP-
- Only proven to allow members to create Convertibles (On / Off)
- Admin Login any user
- The price of the box - set multiple prices
- As a percentage commission
- Solid Commission
- Set Price Mode (Fixed, or System Set Price Number)
- Set the price for Gig
- Set currency
- 24 Currencies Paypal
- Set the days before withdrawal
- Static Pages with HTML - Admin Panel
- Update Notification System
- Management Poster
- Gig System Test (On / Off)
- Create multiple administrators
- Encoded Administrator Passwords
- Order Management
- Manage Payments
- Clean Payments
- Manage Ads
- To approve the withdrawal requests
- Management wishes
- Want Validation System (On / Off)
- Category Management
- User management

Fiverr To run the script, servers must have the following settings:

- Apache web server included with mod_rewrite.
- MySQL version 4.0 +
- GD 2+ Library with FreeType support.
- PHP 5.2+ with the following configuration
-safe_mode = OFF
-open_basedir = (no value)
-output_buffering = on
-register_argc_argv = On
-max_execution_time = 1000 (or higher recommended)
-max_input_time = 300 (or higher recommended)
-session.gc_maxlifetime = 15000 (or higher recommended)
-upload_max_filesize = 25MB (or higher is recommended)
-post_max_size = 25MB (or higher is recommended)
-register_globals = from
-PECL JSON> = 1.2.0
-magic_quotes_gpc = on
-short_open_tag = on
-allow_url_fopen = on
standards strictly off (~ E_STRICT)
-Support MySQL
- Apache MultiViews disabled
- Ability to run the task once per hour
- Ability to run PHP from the command line (CLI) to the Exec ()
- Ability to run background processes Exec ( «binary file> / DEV / zero and")

Demo example -

Demo admin -
Login: Admin
Password: FiverrScript

2 komentar

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